Supporting the young tennis players at Open de Sion
Our new brand of sports socks is the perfect addition to anyone's gear collection. Designed by athletes for athletes, our socks offer the support, comfort, and ventilation you need to perform at your best.
We want to support athletes at any level of performance. Top athletes are just the peak of the iceberg. And it's challenging to get to the top and stay at the top.
In tennis, athletes quality for M15 and M25 tournaments that open the door to the Challenger Tour and then ATP tournaments. The M15 and M25 tournaments provide an opportunity for young players to gather experience on the international scene.
That's the reason why Active Rock is supporting the Open de Sion, which is an international Men’s M25 ITF tournament with 25,000$ prize money. The 2023 edition takes place from 27th August 2023 to 3rd September 2023 at TC Valère in Sion, Switzerland.
Support the Open de Sion yourself by joining the Soirée Blanche on 1st September 2023 at the Restaurant Les Iles in Sion. Tickets are available here.
Check out the programme, order of play and results during the tournament!